Integral Energy Services Ltd. (Integral) is proud to announce the joint venture partnership with the Gitxaala Nation for the opportunity to work together to secure work at the Canada LNG Project in Kitimat, British Columbia. The partnership will contribute greatly to the economic growth of this community through long term career opportunities in which Integral will help with any processes to expedite employment for the nation. The local businesses of Gitxaala will also be given opportunities to support the work throughout this partnership whenever possible. The joint venture announcement took place in Kitimat, British Columbia.
“Integral Energy believes in investing professional expertise, volunteer time and resources towards the issues and challenges relevant to the communities in which we work. Our hope is to help contribute to the prosperity of the Gitxaala Nation,” says Alan Rozak, President of Integral Energy Services. “We know the benefit of investing in people to make a community stronger and sustainable.”
“The Gitxaala Nation is excited for this opportunity and looks forward to growing with Integral to make our community stronger and give our youth opportunities,” says Gitxaala Chief Councillor, Linda Innes. “ The project is expected to provide careers that will support our people and our community as a whole.”

About Gixtaala Nation:
Gitxaała territories stretch from the Nass river to Aristazabel Island, on the north coast of what is now British Columbia. The Gitxaała , also known as Git Lax M’oon, people of the saltwater are one of the most ancient societies on the coast. The village of Lach Klan (Kitkatla, BC) has been continuously inhabited since time immemorial. Gitxaała hereditary leaders from the four clans, Gisputwada, Ganhada, Lax’sgiik and Laxgibuu, manage and protect their territories and resources according to their ayaawx, traditional laws. Gitxaała harvesters use almost 100 different marine and terrestrial resources to feed their community. Gitxaała citizens, currently numbering 1992, wherever they reside, celebrate their history, practice their traditions, respect their laws, and cherish their lands, waters and resources.